WWCC Staff Registration and Guidelines
Our purpose at Bible camp is to give our children a weekend in a secure, spiritual environment. Their parents trust their most precious thing on earth, to us. Each counselor will be expected to set the best Christian example possible for the children. To this end we have prepared these guidelines.
1. There should be at least two counselors in each cabin. Plan to have at least one counselor with the campers at all times, except during Bible Class when their teachers will be responsible for them. During the arts and crafts activity, extra help is needed at the Arts and Crafts pavilion. At least one counselor from each cabin needs to support this activity each day during their craft time.
2. Bible Class and Devotionals are very important. Please see that your campers take their Bibles to Bible Class and the Devotionals.
3. We understand that the campers are watching our example. No smoking or chewing tobacco will be allowed. We want to set the best example we can for our young people.
4. We should not have to handle the children in a physical way, except if there is a fight between two or more children or other emergency reason, which could lead to their being hurt. Discuss any possible behavioral problems with a more mature counselor or with the directors before a bad problem arises.
5. Cabin raids will not be tolerated at all. They always proliferate and cause damage to campers and camp property. Please be sure to discourage all talk about cabin raids. At other camps, raids may even be encouraged, but this is not the example we want to provide or allow at this Bible Camp.
6. Because of possible abuse allegations, counselors should not be alone with any camper privately. If you need to have a private talk with a camper, do so in a public place but away from listening ears (or bring someone with you). This is for the protection of the camper, you, the church, and the camp.
7. The children are not allowed to sleep with each other or with a counselor. Each should have their own bed and be expected to stay in it all night. For safety and security the children should not be allowed to go to the bath house during the night and early morning hours without an adult or at least a large group of campers.
8. Fighting will NOT be tolerated at Bible Camp. In case of ANY fight, break it up. Then explain to the children that fighting will not solve the problem or be tolerated. Offer alternative ways to settle conflicts. As soon as possible, inform the directors about the fight. You may recommend that no further action be needed on that incident, but each fight must be reported. Often the same child will have a habit of fighting in many different areas and you may not be aware of it.
9. It is unfortunate, but sometimes children think they can sneak Cigarettes, Chewing Tobacco, Drugs or some other bad thing into Bible Camp. Please be on the lookout for anything like this, especially during the early days of camp. If found, or talked about by the children, please inform the directors as soon as possible.
10. Have a good time at camp. Enjoy this wonderful time with the campers. Both you and your campers should be able to look back on this weekend with fond memories. You are making a big difference in the lives of these children. In studies taken at Christian Universities, it has been found that of all the Church related activities, Bible Camp is reported as being the number one influence for good in the children’s lives.
We live in a society where child abuse is a reality. One way the camp deals with this issue is by taking steps to protect the teens in our care. The camp has implemented a policy on touching and affection that will safeguard our teens while promoting a positive, nurturing environment for ministry to them. The guidelines below are to be carefully followed by anyone working with our teens.
A general guideline is WWJT: What / Where / Who / When / Why Would Jesus Touch? Conscientious application of this general guideline should insure a healthy environment. Some specific guidelines are given followed by several examples.
- Touching and other forms of appropriate physical affection between workers and teens are important for a teen’s development and may under the appropriate circumstances be suitable in our camp setting.
- Physical affection should be appropriate to the age of the child or teen. (For example, it may be appropriate for a four-year-old to sit in a nursery worker’s lap, but it is not appropriate for a teenager and youth leader to behave this way.)
- Appropriate touching should be initiated by the teen. It should be a response to the teen’s need for comforting, encouragement, or affection. It must not be based upon the adult’s emotional need.
- Touching and affection should only be given when in the presence of other youth ministry workers. It is much less likely that touches will be inappropriate or misconstrued as such when two adult workers are present and the touching is open to observation.
- Touching behavior should not give even the appearance of wrongdoing. As ministry workers our behavior must foster trust at all times; it should be above reproach.
- A teen’s preference not to be touched must be respected. Do not force touch or affection upon a reluctant teen.
- Camp workers are responsible to protect teens under their supervision from inappropriate touching by others.
- Camp workers must promptly discuss inappropriate touching or other questionable behavior by other workers with the directors.
Some examples (not an exhaustive list) are: “High Fives” are almost always appropriate. Holding hands except at prayer time is usually not appropriate. A pat on the top or back of the shoulder is usually appropriate. “Shoulder-to-shoulder” hugs may be appropriate. “Full-on, front-to-front” hugs are seldom appropriate. Opposite sex back rubs are rarely appropriate. A teen girl playfully feeling a male youth worker’s cleanly shaven face may rarely be appropriate. A male youth worker playfully feeling a teen girl’s shaved leg is never appropriate. Opposite sexes sitting on each-other’s laps, shoulders, or anywhere else is seldom appropriate. Opposite sex wrestling or play fighting is seldom appropriate.
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